The Power of Breath in Pilates: How to Breathe Properly for Better Results

Breathing is one of the most essential components of Pilates, yet it’s often overlooked by beginners. Proper breath control not only helps you engage the correct muscles but also enhances your focus and performance during your practice. So, how do you breathe correctly while doing Pilates? Here’s a quick guide to mastering your breath and boosting the effectiveness of your workouts.

1. The Basics of Pilates Breathing

Pilates typically uses lateral breathing, which involves expanding the ribcage sideways (rather than lifting the chest or belly). This allows for deeper inhalation and better engagement of your core muscles. The goal is to breathe deeply without forcing air into the abdomen, maintaining an overall sense of relaxation while still keeping the core activated.

2. Inhale to Prepare, Exhale to Move

In Pilates, the general rule is to inhale to prepare for a movement, and exhale during the effort. This principle helps coordinate your breath with the movement, giving you more control and power. For example, in an exercise like the Hundred, you inhale for five counts and exhale for five counts, engaging your core as you exhale. The exhale serves to deepen the engagement of your abdominal muscles and create stability in your torso.

3. Engage Your Core with Every Exhale

Exhaling deeply (not just letting the air out quickly) helps activate the pelvic floor and transverse abdominis muscles — the deep core muscles that provide stability to your spine. When you exhale, think of gently pulling your navel toward your spine and engaging your lower abs. This core activation is key to performing Pilates exercises effectively and safely.

4. Breathe with Control, Not Force

While Pilates encourages deep, controlled breaths, it’s important not to force them. If you’re holding your breath or forcing air out, you could create unnecessary tension in your body. Aim for a smooth, steady inhale and exhale, keeping your breath relaxed and rhythmic. This keeps your nervous system calm and supports fluid movement throughout your practice.

5. Sync Your Breath with Your Movement

As you get more comfortable with Pilates, try syncing your breath with each movement to create a seamless flow. For instance, during a roll-up, inhale as you lengthen your spine and exhale as you curl up and articulate each vertebra down. This breath-movement connection helps improve coordination, enhances posture, and provides deeper benefits from each exercise.


Breathing correctly during Pilates is a powerful tool to improve muscle engagement, maximize movement efficiency, and reduce tension. By practicing lateral breathing, coordinating your breath with movement, and engaging your core with each exhale, you can elevate your Pilates practice and reap the full benefits. So next time you hit the mat, remember: the breath is just as important as the body movement itself!

Happy breathing!

Contrology is the complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit.
— Joseph Pilates

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